Empathy is such an important part of supporting someone with mental health! As the quote says, “you never know what someone is going through behind closed doors, so be kind always”. It isn’t all about telling someone that you know how they feel, it’s about listening to them and trying to understand what they’re saying. Even if you haven’t been through it yourself, there are lots of things you can do – even if it’s just to remind them that you care. 

Sending a message goes a long way. Whether it’s a “how are you” or an “I’m thinking of you”, it can mean a lot when you feel like the world’s against you. Lots of people are feeling alone right now – so why not check up on a loved one. Especially if they’re not good with expressing how they feel, they might not be able to tell you what they’re experiencing but that doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate the gesture. 

If you’re concerned that a friend is not being open with you about how they’re feeling, it might be worth subtly talking about wellbeing. This doesn’t mean bombarding them and interrogating them, but again letting them know that you’re looking out for them. You could talk about ways of de-stressing or send them any useful info about self care that you find! 

Empathy doesn’t mean that you have to accept the troubles of others on your own. It may sound blunt to hear but a friend and a therapist are 2 separate entities. Although it’s okay to be a safe space for someone to feel free to vent, if it gets too overwhelming you’re allowed to let them know or ask for help yourself. Remember that your safety and wellbeing is just as important as theirs – so look after yourself too! 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed yourself, I’m here if you need an ear! Feel free to email me or contact me via Instagram (@happeaminds).

Love and good vibes,
