It seems to be rooted into society’s nature to either judge, be judged or assume everyone is judging you. It’s so unhealthy yet it’s so common for us to overthink even the tiniest of decisions to the point where we’re more concerned about what other people think than whether it’s a decision we ourselves are happy with. It’s also likely one of the reasons why people struggle so much to open up about their mental health: we don’t want to be judged even if it’s for things that are out of our control.

I want to remind you that you are the only person who you need to be your best for. This means that it’s okay to say no if you’re not up to doing something: even if you think others will judge you for that. If they do, then clearly they’re not the right people for you to be spending time with. Taking care of your mental health, or even simply not wanting to do something, doesn’t make you a bad person.

We spend wayyy too long in other people’s heads trying to piece together exactly what we think they might say but wouldn’t it be quicker if we just asked them their opinion? Yes, it’s easier said than done but it’s also a lot more damaging spending hours, days, weeks analysing conversations when the likelihood that the other person moved on as soon as the conversation was over is relatively high.

Be kind, let’s remind ourselves and others that living without judgement is a better place to be.

Love and good vibes,
